这套公寓位于俄罗斯,由建筑设计师Ilya和Svetlana Khomyakovs操刀设计,公寓整体选用了大面积的暖灰色调与橙色撞色,整体追求干净纯粹的极简风格。打造了具有美感与舒适感的空间。

This apartment is located in Russia and was designed by architects Ilya and Svetlana Khomyakovs. The entire apartment uses a large area of warm gray tones and orange contrast, and the overall pursuit of a clean and pure minimalist style. Created a space with a sense of beauty and comfort.



The kitchen and dining room are located next to the living room, and white marble L-shaped tables are used to distinguish the space. The delicate marble pattern highlights the overall delicate texture, which is practical and beautiful. The neatly-lined Zhongdao platform and the chandeliers echo each other, bringing geometric beauty to the space and demonstrating the occupants" beautiful pursuit of life.


There is no extra color in the living room, and the low-saturation color scheme is advanced and attractive. The dark brown fabric sofa and the white armchair form a color contrast. The background wall of multiple colors has become the only color in this space, which is eye-catching and embellished the entire gray-white color.


The master bedroom presents a symmetrical design, the warm gray bedding is soft and fluffy, and the burgundy background wall contrasts with the gray cement, highlighting a touch of industrial style. Golden chandelier and white sculptures add a touch of elegance and luxury to the space. Outdoor sunlight shines into the room through large floor-to-ceiling windows, making the bedroom brighter and full of warm atmosphere.


The bathroom is separated by glass to create an open visual experience. The marble material in the bathroom adds a sense of refinement to the space, simple and elegant, showing a distinctive artistic beauty, presenting a modern and simple light luxury atmosphere.


The children"s room is designed with blue as the main color, creating a lively and lovely space atmosphere, creating a warm and comfortable resting space.

About. Ilya&Svetlana Khomyakovs

Ilya&Svetlana Khomyakovs是来自俄罗斯的室内设计师,他们通过多年来的经验,打造了许多拥有惊人魅力的设计作品。他们的设计风格独具特色,擅长把现代精致的生活和原始的自然气息融合,在精致与粗糙之间搭配,在朴素主义的环境之下,找到现代人生活的气息。

Ilya&Svetlana Khomyakovs is an interior designer from Russia. Through years of experience, they have created many designs with amazing charm. Their design style is unique, and they are good at fusing modern and exquisite life with the original natural breath, matching between refinement and roughness, and finding the breath of modern life in a simple environment.


Colorful Apartment
